
Feel Like You're Speaking to a Brick Wall? Hello and Welcome. I'm C. C. Wurld, author of What About Us?: Tales from an Angry Mass Transit Bus Operator. It is very frustrating knowing that there are people in the same vicinity who can make a change for the better, but simply will not. For many years mass transit operators has expressed their opinions, point of views, thoughts, and feelings of dis-satisfactions on paper and verbally to those in charge concerning various issues and asking for help to dissolve on going problems. And throughout those many years our requests and concerns have been ignored and little has been done. Management does not support their dedicated hard working employees and continuously give the impression of anything that has to do with doing good deeds toward their employees is too much like doing right; as if they want mass transit operators to feel pain, be punished, and be totally at a disadvantage. When it comes to dealing with some members of the public, their dispositions are just as bad. The only thing that I and my fellow mass transit operators want is what we deserve - to be recognized for who we are, a person and feel alive for a purpose - to be protected, feel appreciated, and want respect. If you see your reflections in my book, be disappointed with your behaviors. Instead of negatively lashing out with bitterness and anger, try to work on a relationship with yourselves by improving your characters which will help refresh your frames of mind. And to all the horrible bosses, please know that one day you too will have your dirty laundry aired. Only you can make that change. I would love for you to contact me with questions, comments, concerns, your thoughts, improvements you would like to have take place other than mine, and or a snippet of an outrageous experience of your own aboard a mass transit vehicle. Thank you for inviting me into your lives. Enjoy!
About the Author Not only does C. C. Wurld ride mass transit as a passenger, but she has also been a transit system operator for several years. She and her family enjoy spending time together and traveling. She is acquiring her real estate license in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
About my latest book, What About Us?: Tales from an Angry Mass Transit Bus Operator
This is a memoir of a driver for the transit system authority of a major city. When it comes to mass transit, people of all age groups and from all walks of life can be cruel, combative, repulsive, and downright crazy. Whether passengers, bikers, or other drivers, these people sometimes are shamelessly disrespectful. Everyone is so busy operating at a fast pace, thinking only about themselves, that they lose themselves and forget how to be calm, kind, and decent. Let me be the first to say that the job of a mass transit operator is not hard but it is not "as sweet as pie" as so many people believe. Most of my workdays are downright unbelievable. Some of these unbelievable stories are funny; others are insanely coldblooded. And that is the reason mass transit operators need the best-quality protection the transit authority can provide. The author shares her experiences in stories filled with shock and laughter. Taken together, they reveal the life of a big city mass transit operator.